Energetic Integration® in Mexico
For Professional Trainings and Workshops in Mexico, contact Rosa Maria Sevilla Integración Energética Es un enfoque psico corporal creado por Jack Painter, en el que se trabaja simultáneamente con cada dimensión del ser: el cuerpo físico, sentimientos, emociones, pensamientos y actitudes, en el contexto de una relación creativa entre el practicante y el cliente. Para
- Published in Body Psychotherapy, Energetic Integration
Energetic Integration® in the UK
Energetic Integration® (EI) is a creative bodymind method which teaches body-awareness, self-awareness and awareness-of-others, as well as allowing a re-patterning of our deeply held postures, attitudes, emotions and beliefs. It’s a method for furthering personal development through attention to the body, in relationship to the practitioner, i.e; by paying attention to the body’s own signals when
- Published in Body Psychotherapy, Energetic Integration
Energetic Integration® in Italy
contact Carmine Piroli: carmine.piroli@icpit.org INTEGRAZIONE ENERGETICA (C. Piroli, J. Painter, 2010, 2006 in Corpo Integrato 2010) libroINTEGRAZIONE ENERGETICA L’Integrazione Energetica, è una terapia psicocorporea elaborata dal J.Painter, per soddisfare alcuni bisogni delle persone, il terapista lavora principalmente con la respirazione del cliente per aiutarlo ad aprire la strada alla totalità e alla forza della propria esperienza: