Energetic Integration®

 Bodymind Integration - 

PsychoCorporal Integration


(The International Council of PsychoCorporal (Bodymind) Integration Trainers)



Official Website


The International Council of PsychoCorporal (Bodymind) Integration Trainers

Official Website



Energetic Integration® (EI) is an innovative development of Reichian work, developed by Jack Painter, Ph.D., regulated by ICPIT. EI is rooted in Wilhelm Reich's pioneering work as well as in modern therapeutic methods such as Gestalt process work, Trauma Healing, Bodymind Drama. They use a wide range of integrated mind and body- oriented approaches including body-sensing, breath work and cycles of charge and discharge, expressive movement, gestalt enactment, bodymind typologies and character analytic processes. In Energetic Integration® a double focus on the individual and on the interpersonal energetic processes is established. Energetic Integration® helps individuals become aware of themselves in their body and to empower them to change themselves – their bodies, feelings and thoughts.


Energetic Integration® (EI) is a form of Post Reichian Energy Economy Work going through steps of "mobilisation, release and integration." Jack Painter was able to map the complex yet self-regenerating wave we humans all need to manage in order to be healthy physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It also helps those with traumatic experiences to recover their inner balance, rhythm and flow. In EI we look at the cycle of the here-and-now breathing pattern, but also at early childhood developmental stages and current character, personality and functioning styles. Simply by observing how someone breathes, and in dialogue with the client, the corresponding blocks can readily help one diagnose where that person was arrested in childhood, adolescence or adulthood. The observable blocks lead logically to what would have to be done to help someone come through a complete energy cycle, and find inner balance, and a good quality life. This is in essence the basis of Energetic Integration®.

Jack W. Painter, PhDICPIT
In our busy contemporary world many people are beginning to realise that to find relief from steadily increasing anxiety and tension they need to pay more attention to their bodies." Jack W. Painter, PhD. Founder of Bodymind Integration

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Being Energetically Alive in a Responsible way!

Energetic Integration® supports you in dealing with the challenges and experiences of limitation, frustration or trauma in your life, in a more creative manner. Energetic Integration® helps you to change in every part of yourself -- in your body feelings and thoughts as well as in your capacity to live fully in your social environment. While Postural Integration® (for more details website on Postural Integration®) - in the process of release and integration of the protective mechanisms laid down in your muscular and myofascial chronic tension patterns - is more focussed on the reorganization of the myofascial planes, Energetic Integration® is more focused on the reorganization of breath and life energy as it moves through a self-regenerating energetic wave. Energetic Integration® helps you to explore, claim and be creative in the energetic expressions of your existence, whatever life scenario happened to you. Energetic Integration® encompasses powerful methods of Body Psychotherapy and Holistic Bodywork.

Energetic Integration® is a form of working psychocorporally with the body to re-establish the free flow of energy.    Energetic Integration® works with the freeing of the armouring present in the bodies tissues, as well as of the mental and emotional processes related to it. Working with the breath and how it reveals the mechanisms of protection and defense enables the person to become conscious of their energy flow and its blockages, interruptions and imbalances. These tend to be directly linked to old anger, pain, sadness, traumatic events held in out-dated reaction patterns and hidden memories put out of conscious awareness. When these early or traumatic experiences are integrated, the client can develop healthier and more appropriate ways of being and doing.  An important aspect of Energetic Integration® is working with the breathwork cycle known as the Energetic Cycle, a concept developed by Jack Painter.  Helping to complete it facilitates the regulation of the energy flow, and a wave of freed energy creates new consciousness and possibilities in the bodymind and the interaction with others and the world.

Practitioners of Energetic Integration® (EI) are trained to work in a respectful and interactive manner with their clients. They use a variety of somatic (bodywork) methods – breath and deep tissue work, focusing on the body and self-awareness techniques, as well as emotional expression integrated in a psychotherapeutic understanding of the situation. The practitioners of Energetic Integration® need to be able to bring professional knowledge and experience tempered by their ability to bring themselves with personal feelings and attitudes held (in a self-aware manner) into the exchange with the clients. Energetic Integration® practitioners went through a long training process, including many hours of personal therapy and adequate psychotherapy supervision.

Energetic Integration® is a way of helping individuals become aware of themselves in their body and to empower them to change themselves – their bodies, feelings and thoughts. It is a powerful tool for enabling clients to increase their sense of well-being, their capacity to feel, their ability to express, their self-awareness and consciousness. The knowledge and clinical experience around this work is shared and updated within The International Community of Bodymind Integration Practitioners, under auspices of ICPIT.

Many people are aware that they are limiting themselves in some way—perhaps a nagging feeling that they could be appreciating the precious gift of life more fully—yet they also find that, try as they might, they fall back to what is familiar or safe for them. With the necessary understanding of the developmental aspects of the energy cycle in the human organism, practitioners in Energetic Integration® can begin to be able to help people who are stuck in this way. If our goal is, say, life fulfilment, then the feelings we have along the way are just that: the experience of how it is to be moving toward a goal we are committed to. But if we have been taught not to follow our instinctive and healthy longings, we often settle for a quasi-goal, that of feeling comfortable, perhaps happy. Energetic Integration helps us find ways towards the best possible life fulfilment, regardless of what we encountered or lost along the way.

A common functioning principle

A very particular addition to the Reichian discovery is the common functioning principle in all living matter: an underlying similarity among differences.

  • Integration of all appearing dualities and opposites
  • Integration of Body and Mind
  • Integration of the Psychic and The Somatic
  • Integration of Masculine and Feminine
  • Integration of Foreground and Background
  • Unity of an Energetic Cycle
  • Work with Reichian Breath and Bodywork
  • ...

a powerful tool for enabling clients to increase their sense of well-being

The use a wide range of integrated mind and body- oriented approaches including body-sensing, breath work and cycles of charge and discharge, expressive movement, gestalt enactment, bodymind typologies and character analytic processes.

  • Humanistic/ Person Centered
  • Experiential
  • Transpersonal
  • Deep Holistic Bodywork
  • Personal Development
  • Body Psychotherapeutic
  • Counseling/Coaching

breath work and cycles of charge and discharge

Energetic Integration® helps individuals become aware of themselves in their body and to empower them to change themselves.

  • Work with Segmental Armouring
  • Work with Myofascial Network
  • Work with 5-Elements
  • Work with Body & Movement Awareness
  • Work with Energetic Character-Analytical Cycle
  • Work with Drama and Constellations
  • Work with ancestral lines
  • Goes into Spiritual

and Breakthroughs

in Relational Healing, Therapy and Growth Work = Energetic Integration



In Energetic Integration

Integrate New Skills in your current practice

Learn how to integrate newly developed Energetic Integration skills in your Work

Become a Trainer Yourself

After having followed well defined steps, you can become a Trainer yourself empowering resources for professional avancement of others.


We'll do everything we can to make YOU our next best project!


The International Council of PsychoCorporal (Bodymind) Integration Trainers

ICPIT-The International Council of PsychoCorporal (Bodymind) Integration Trainers

We’re the Council, founded by Jack Painter, PhD (1933-2010), responsible for Bodymind Integration, Postural Integration, Psychotherapeutic Postural Integration, Energetic Integration & Pelvic-Heart Integration Trainings worldwide.